More African Diaries…



I’m feeling more nostalgic than usual tonight I guess.  This trip I took 12 years ago, over 9 countries in East and Southern Africa, shaped my visual language as well as my written. I spent rattling bus rides looking out the window trying to imagine the mixing of colours and how I would describe the shapes of the trees. 


Feb 24, 1997

Our Zanzibarian friend Joseph told me his friend had whispered to him last night, “that woman you are standing with, she took my heart away.” How lovely to find this second-hand love poetry, even the day before leaving.


Marie and H playing chess with the wee boys from down the beach.

Marie and H playing chess with the boys.


Feb 27, 1997

Our last day on Zanzibar has been strange, as are last days anywhere. We said goodbye to Marie after breakfast, and I felt the rising tension between us without her there. We walked around Stone Town and I got my chess set and hena. We went for red beans and rice at Passing Show and then to the Mahrubi Ruins on a dalla dalla. The pond was acid green in the light (not so much pond, but rather “circular pleasure pool” according to the sign) and there were a million fish who liked Marie’s biscuits she had unloaded on me, and strange water beetles that seem to breathe with their bums. The other pond was filled with lilies. It looked romantic  next to the old pillars that were once part the palace some guy had built for his harem. On the wall of one of the small toilet roooms in the palace was scrawled “this time tomorrow”. Hmm.


One of my favourite shots of the trip.

One of my favourite shots of the trip.

Speedo guy. This guy just drove the boat. Never said a word.

Speedo guy. This guy just drove the boat. Never said a word.


The Circular Pleasure Pool in all its glory

The Circular Pleasure Pool in all its glory